Sweet Sensation
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I wander through the empty streets of Tauckimo. During the day it is very busy, and all stray dogs must take cover, or they will be quickly reported, and caught by dog catchers... A fate no dog wanted to suffer through. As I wander around, searching for scraps of food, many smaller dogs shy away. Why? Because I am a German Shepherd- A proud, fearless leader. There are many other dogs around here, but none can compare to us German Shepherds. My eyes scan the area, my nose to the ground, ears alert. I smell the wonderful scent of meat, mingled with the scent of trash. Trash had used to be a horrible scent to me, but now I was so used to it, I barely noticed. Quickly I follow the scent, knowing it'd attract a many other dogs, and I get there right when another dog does, another German Shepherd. (The first person to reply, doesn't have to ask, but anyone after that does. Thanks.)

10-30-2010 at 7:40 PM
I looked at the two dogs again and found one to be staring at me.She seemed uncomfortable talking to the Aussie.She looked a bit like me,having the haggled look of street life.I wagged my tail excitedly hoping to meet this dog but i kept a clear head a returned to my half-eaten pizza.I snarled a warning to a Corgi who wanted my dinner and he backed off to where a small dead rat was lying.When i looked up again the German Shepherd still had her gaze locked on me.

10-30-2010 at 7:20 PM
I looked around, feeling suddenly uncomfortable around this dog. Then I spotted another dog eating a pizza.

10-30-2010 at 4:22 PM
I watched the two dogs talking as i slowly ate my meal of scavenged pizza.As they were talking my keen ears could pick up bits of the conversation.I wondered whether I should approach them or not.But I continued to eat my meal quickly before the sun rose or another dog stole it from me.This was my first filling meal in a week and i wasn't gonna let a conversation distract me from it, but i couldn't help my curiousty.
edit history
2010-10-30 09:23:12 by #5511

10-30-2010 at 1:06 AM
I wonder how to answer his question… What was interesting? Nothing really. I had to hide out all day so I wouldn't be sent to the pound right away, and the search for food during the night. "Nothing."<br /><br /><br /> (Sure you can join!)

10-28-2010 at 10:20 PM
may i join this rp?

10-28-2010 at 1:12 AM
"I see, I see..." Endeavour nodded silently, his tailed never ceased to thump along the concrete ground. Sweet Sensation here didn't seem to be too talkative in the first place, and he certainly didn't want to pressure her way too much. After all, he was just being friendly.<br /><br />"So, since you live around these parts, I must ask... What's interesting?"

10-17-2010 at 4:48 AM
I nodded my head. The way he said it, he seemed to think I was lying about my name, which would do no good. His next question was easy to.<br /> "I was born here...." I wondered why he was acting so many questions. <br /><br /> (Brainfart!)

10-17-2010 at 4:30 AM
The female bound up to the spilled trash and instantly began eating it up. He sat back and watched, vaguely amused, at how hungry she seemed to be. In reality, he had never had much company while eating out, as he called this habit. She seemed to particularly enjoy some hotdogs that lay near the bottom, and though he preferred the fries and burgers, to each his or her own. <br /><br />“So it’s Sweet Sensation, huh?” He pondered the name for a minute or so, his tail thumping the ground every few seconds as he thought. “Well, fair lady, where did you come from?” Endeavour was curious, that was all. Not always great for his career, as he would go running off after squirrels or something during training, but whatever. <br />

10-17-2010 at 4:08 AM
(Okay!)<br /><br /> I watched the Aussie, and the instant he invited me to eat, I rushed forward and gobbled down all the scraps I could find. I especially enjoyed a few hotdog scraps I found among the trash. When I was done, my hunger had been masked, but it would soon appear, but I'd live.<br /><br /> I sat back, and wagged my tail slightly, but I was still wary. Most dogs that had homes were mean to strays. I wondered why he was so nice? Well not all dogs with homes were mean, I knew. <br /><br /> "My name is Sweet Sensation."

10-17-2010 at 4:02 AM
The German shepherd seemed to pause for a while as she thought her answer through. And why would she do that? He had to wonder. Endeavour was smart, but he knew little of the life that the dogs on the street lived. A hefty amount of his friends were cared for by humans, and he had few friends on the streets. Those that were on the streets stayed close to the wealthier areas, where the humans would gladly give out scraps. Endeavour himself was born and bred an agility dog, out of two close-cut and to a kind master. <br /><br />“Come eat.” The Aussie wagged his tail happily after her faint response. Strange girl she was. Endeavour had never known the need to be frightened or searching, all he needed to do was jump through a tire, keep his balance and be patient. “It’s tasty today, but I have little need for it.” He would go home to a nice dinner soon anyways, and the female seemed hungry.<br /><br />“Buy the way,” At this point he felt like he was rambling, but Endeavour was always the talky type. “I’m Endeavour, and you?” <br /><br />(by the way, Endeavour is an Australian shepherd, not a GSD. >&lt;)<br />

10-17-2010 at 12:18 AM
My eyes quickly scan the German Shepherds body, and I can tell by his clean, well groomed coat, and trimmed nails that he has a home, a comfy home, while I lived out on the streets since the day I was born. I felt a pang, and I wondered why I was jealous. There were many dogs who had worse luck then I, but I did have pretty bad luck. I looked at myself, and saw my ribs were very seeable, my legs like twigs, and I knew I was in bad shape, and my stomach growled. <br /> <br /> The German Shepherd spoke to me, and I listened, my eyes half closed, as I struggled not to run to the trash that he had seemed to already claimed as he owned. I didn't want to start a fight. But why was a dog with a house eating trash? It was clear he was well fed.<br /><br /> I scanned my eyes over the GSD again as I thought up a response. He was clearly older then me, and larger then me. Then I considered my response. I wouldn't consider myself new here, I mean I had been here since I was born. But then again I was only around nine months old, so I wasn't completely used to how to live. I still was getting used to it. "Well I guess you could say that..." My response was completely lame, but I didn't know what else to say.

10-16-2010 at 5:08 PM
Endeavour sat atop a crate and watched the narrow alley between two buildings below him. He stood out sharply against the sky, his red coat creating an outline against the blue. Random black and white splotches covered his fur, helping break up his silhouette a little. He was a creature of habit, and he would sit here every day and wait for the restaurant to take out his trash. When it did, he would eat and be done with this area. <br /><br />The Aussie’s blue eyes watched as he saw the familiar people come out, dump their trash and head back in. As soon as the door closed, he jumped down from the stacked crates and dragged a bag out. This was a hamburger and pizza joint, so he was quickly able to dig out some burnt patties and fries, a few crusts, anything that was available. He didn’t need the food, he just enjoyed it. After all, he had a loving home and a perfect master to return to. It simply was that he enjoyed hamburger and fries and maybe the occasional pizza. <br /><br />As he ate, his ears twitched. They had picked up on a sound, the sound of paws on the ground and the click click click of untrimmed nails against concrete. He looked up just in time to see a German Shepherd come to the opening of the alley. She was roughed up looking, and he had quickly come to the conclusion that she had no warm hearth or a master to return to as he did. <br /><br />Endeavour looked over the German Shepherd once. She was younger than he was, and a little smaller by a few inches as well. Ah, she must be new around here. “Oi, you’re a newcomer, I take it?” He called out to her, welcoming. <br />


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